Edition 318 | November 2020
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With summer approaching we are looking to document some history of the Air Support activities that originated in Cherry Gardens. Cherry Gardens was at the forefront in development of the Air Support equipment and activities as the advent of aircraft to support the ground crews started in South Australia.
The Laughing Lama Dance and Drama group is holding classes at the Hall, and they are going well. See their website or check our Facebook page for more information.
On Sunday the 6th of September firefighters were responded to a fire at the Almond Co packing facility at Pike River, near Renmark in the Riverland. Not only were a semi-trailer and a loader destroyed by fire, crews also found the very large almond husk piles alight.
If anyone is interested in joining please come and see us any Monday night.
With summer rapidly approaching, your Air Support Brigade has already been brushing up on our skills and getting the Air Support station ready for when we are needed. We all hope for quiet season as none of us want a repeat of last summer. Please do your bit by cleaning up around your place and have a Bushfire Plan that everyone in your house knows and understands.
Next meeting: Monday 9th November – Mark Smith from Adelaide Vegie Gardens will talk on wicking beds + George’s gardening tips for November
Greetings Fellow Equines and Horse Owners! Reasonably good news all round, with some rainfall and supposedly more to come – bring it on! Also my hoof abscess seems to have cleared up completely now, so things back to normal in that department.
The Cherry Gardens Church, its garden and its gravestones are an integral part of the heritage of our district. They’re a reminder of those who have gone before, paving the way for our generation, and of the Christian faith that underpinned the community. Just a reminder that the Church community is always available to assist anyone who has a pastoral need.
Continuing our group’s 30th anniversary celebrations, we will be running our annual Almanda Open Day on Sunday 15th November, followed by our AGM on Tuesday 17th. + November 2020 program, and general info about the Friends of Scott Creek Conservation Park.
ON Business Awards/Go South Go Local
Welcome Cr Sue Tonkin
Agricultural Town of the Year Award
Main Road, Cherry Gardens/Chandlers Hill
Summer Netball has again started up at the Cherry Garden Recreation Ground on a Thursday evening. Games start at 4.30 and finish approximately 9.30. Meals are available every week and the Bar is also open. Looking forward to a fun and exciting summer season on Netball There is a great vibe and lots of netball being played.
We are looking for a boy who would like to either play full time or just fill-in for our Saturday morning junior boys’ team. Boys need to be 17 or under at 30/09/2020. If you’re interested or would like more information send us an email at ibcg@bigpond.com or call our Secretary Phil Battersby on 0417 215 647.
And just like that the 20/21 cricket season is upon us and its sure to be a memorable one as it celebrates our 30th season since the Ironbank and Scott Creek clubs merged to create the great club we have now.
A dangerous mobile black spot in the Adelaide Hills that has left locals in fear during destructive bushfires, will be fixed with hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal funding.
Reprinted with permission from the Adelaide Hills Messenger
Rainfall for September 2020 111.6 mm
Rainfall for September 2019 66.6 mm
Average rainfall for September 99.8 mm