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We have been advised by the Onkaparinga Council regarding the newly released “ALERT SA” App. A new smart phone app designed to help keep South Australians safe and informed during risky bushfire conditions is now available.
Following the strong interest of more than 80 people shown in the informal petition for Cherry Gardens and surrounding suburbs to leave Onkaparinga and join the Adelaide Hills Council, it has been decided to hold a Community Meeting at the Hall on Wednesday 12 FEBRUARY 2020 , 7 for a 7:30pm start.
The Fridges have arrived...a big thank you to the City of Onkaparinga. You will recall that the Hall was successful this year in winning a grant to replace our aging 1000L refrigerator with 2 new 420L refrigerators. This means that for most functions we will only require having one smaller fridge turned on, a significant power saving.
Happy New Year from your Cherry Gardens CFS Brigade! After a relatively quiet period during the second half of 2019 the brigade had an eventful November and December. In addition to the usual traffic incidents and wayward burn-offs the fire season started with an unseasonable “Catastrophic” fire danger day in November.
Every speaker we have seems to surpass the last in some way. At our last meeting, Kris Messenger and James of “Bugs and Slugs” taught us about the vital role, albeit an increasingly precarious presence, of beneficial, predatory insects in our gardens and environment and most usefully, about the formation of their habitat + George's gardening suggestions for January.
As most of you know by now, I really like my food, but too much of a good thing is not in my best interests either (bother!). There are certain things which are in the best interests of us equines however and these are not too hard to follow. They are called the five freedoms or five domains. + Advertisement for Riding Lessons with Sandy
Anyone wanting more information about the Friends of Scott Creek CP, or wanting to get involved, can contact us. All working bees during summer meet at the earlier time of 8.30am at the Almanda Car Park on Dorset Vale Road (unless there is a MLR fire ban or very wet weather).
Each year we are pleased to provide the Cherry Gardens Community Carols. Our thanks go to The Cherry Chatter Committee for much needed advertising, The Cherry Gardens Memorial Hall who provide use of the hall free of charge each year, The City of Onkaparinga for their grant.
It’s been a big year for the Cherry Gardens Ironbank Recreation Ground. We kicked off our fundraising campaign, ‘Dreams to Reality’ in order to pay for much needed upgrades to the club rooms and have made some positive inroads.
Welcome to the latest edition of my Memo from Mayo. Unfortunately, despite our steadfast support, the Medevac laws were repealed and we are bracing ourselves for a battle to ensure water continues to flow for the environment in the Murray-Darling Basin. Please read on to learn about some of my work in the parliament and the community.
Ms Sharkie, Thank you for that very welcome news. As you are well aware, NBN connectivity in our community is woeful. Satellite NBN is a joke and the commercial ADSL providers have been pulling out, leaving just Telstra.
Click to read the letter from Steve Murray to Cherry Gardens residents. Dec 2019.
Councillor update on: Deputy Mayor / Australia Day Breakfast & Bush Fair / Rates Rebate Cherry Gardens Memorial Hall / 2020 – 2021 Community Budget Workshops / City of Onkaparinga Clubs Forum.
Here are a few photos from the Christmas Fair held at the Recreation Ground early in December. It was a great community gathering and well done to the organisers for putting such a focus on the kids this year. + Update and photos of the Renovations at the Recreation Ground
Rainfall for November 2019 41.8 mm
Rainfall for November 2018 74.2 mm
Average rainfall for November 49.5 mm