Over the stable door
Greetings Fellow Equines and Horse Owners!
As most of you know by now, I really like my food, but too much of a good thing is not in my best interests either (bother!). There are certain things which are in the best interests of us equines however and these are not too hard to follow.
They are called the five freedoms or five domains.
The first is freedom from hunger and thirst –
pretty easy really! This means checking water supply on a daily basis, especially during the summer months and also ensuring that there is sufficient water. We will drink up to 60 litres of water on hotter days. Freedom from hunger -1-1.5% of body weight when in lightish work (depending on the individual) and around 80% of the feed should be roughage.
Secondly, freedom from discomfort –
this means providing shade, shelter, somewhere comfortable to lie down and also room to move. The gear, including halter, bridle, saddle and rug should all fit well.
Thirdly, freedom from pain, injury and disease –
health is a priority. Knowing your horse and recognising any changes and having access to regular and emergency veterinary care (keep phone numbers handy on your phone, in the house and the stable).
Fourthly, freedom to express natural behaviours –
this means that your horse should be able to see other horses and ideally have physical contact with them. He should have space to canter and have access to some low quality forage/hay for at least 13 hours per day.
Lastly, freedom from fear and distress –
try to ensure that your horse is ridden and handled by people who understand how he learns. Avoid training systems which involve punishment or excessive pressure.
It is only 5 things and when you think about it, not that difficult to maintain. Good luck with that and safe riding, Hamish (at just under 500kg!). So long as I stay under this weight, I don’t have to go on a diet. My owners are keeping me fit and regulating my grazing.
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Riding lessons with an experienced qualified instructor. ESI graduate and level 1 PCASA coach. School horses available, individual tuition. Sensible fees, my place or yours.
Phone Sandy on 0467 028 640 for more information