Recreation Ground
Winter Sports are now well underway and the Rec Ground is in use most days for training or games of footy and netball. As the days get shorter the oval and court lights are on for longer and longer.
It is also very encouraging to see how many locals and general community use the Rec Ground and facilities on a regular basis, whether they are exercising their dogs, doing their own exercise or having fun with the kids. The playground has been a huge success and it is great to see it in use so much.
A few reminders though for the people that do use the Rec Ground. Please remember that it is a community facility and not owned by the council. Our community owns the place and volunteers run it and pay for everything. If something gets broken, then the community has to pay for it. Volunteers clean and maintain everything – no-one gets paid for cleaning the public toilets, fixing the driveways, repairing fences and keeping the place in order. And the community has to pay for the water rates and electricity usage so please don’t turn on the oval or court lights without permission.
If your dog poo is not picked up by you then a volunteer has to do it!
If you don’t use the bins and leave your rubbish lying around then a volunteer has to pick it up!
And I know it is probably hard to believe but horses are not allowed on the oval! The oval is irrigated with pop up sprinklers that can be easily broken and the grass and footy players do not need horse poo on the oval and hoof prints etc. that can cause ankle injuries.
It costs a lot to maintain the oval in good condition so please everyone look after it.
The committee that manages the Recreation Ground is made up of passionate locals who want to maintain this great resource for everyone and representatives from the 4 sporting clubs that are affiliated.
This committee is continually looking at ways to improve the facilities and ensure it is maintained well for everyone. Where possible the committee and sporting clubs seek support from all levels of government in the way of Grants. We have been successful in getting funding for a solar system and recently with a battery backup as well to help offset the electricity costs.
By far the biggest cash injection has come from the State government and Onkaparinga Council who together are providing funding for a new changeroom facility for our players. The work on this has been going on for some months now and in early June the modules were delivered and the changerooms are being completed and commissioned ready for the grand opening on July 17th which is the next footy home game where all teams including juniors and moddies will be playing.
If any locals would like to come along and enjoy the footy and help celebrate this new changeroom then you will be more than welcome.
Meals available every Thursday
A reminder that every Thursday evening there are meals available, and the bar is open for anyone interested. Come and enjoy some good country hospitality.
Don’t forget that the Recreation Ground belongs to our community and everyone is welcome to use it. Please don’t take it for granted and please respect it and the people who look after it.
After (not yet completed)
Before and after (but not yet completed) new changerooms at Recreation Ground