Garden Club
Monday 14th September – Richard Heathcote will give a light-hearted history of garden tools
Monday 12th October - KI resident Sally Graham will talk and show photos of the devastation caused by the bushfires.
President: Ray Wise: or 0405 273 003 or 83836011

Now that the soil is beginning to warm you can plant out all container-grown plants including citrus, hibiscus, passionfruit, wisteria and native plants.
Annuals to plant include snapdragon, aster, carnation, zinnia, petunia, marigold and chrysanthemum.
Divide and plant agapanthus, belladonna, crinum, and dahlias.
Beans (dwarf or climbing), cucumber pumpkin, sweet potato are a few of the summer vegetables you can put in now.
Fertilise Spring flowering annuals with a liquid feed, agapanthus, hydrangeas and hibiscus need a complete fertiliser watered in well.
Hibiscus should be pruned now to develop bushy plants. Cut back oleander fairly hard, camellias can be trimmed as soon as flowering is finished and before new growth commences. Fuchsias and pelargoniums can be tip pruned to produce bushy growth.
Read our members’ Garden Recycling Tips and Tricks. + George’s gardening suggestions for August. Next meeting will be Monday 9th August for our AGM and Quiz night.
Belated April meeting notes: The Speaker for the evening was Rosalie Lawrence who gave a very interesting talk about Native Orchids + George’s gardening suggestions for June.
Next meeting will be Monday 12th July when three members from within our Club will talk on aspects of gardening they are passionate about + Read May meeting notes on Landcare and woody weeds + George’s gardening suggestions for July.
Next meeting will be Monday 10th May when Henry Digance will talk about Landcare and maybe a bit about growing garlic + Read March meeting notes and George’s gardening suggestions for May.
Next meeting will be Monday 12th April when Rosalie Lawrence will speak on native orchids of the local area + Read George’s gardening suggestions for April.
Next meeting will be Monday 15th March when Trevor Nottle, well known garden writer, will talk about the South Australian Open Garden Scheme + Read George’s gardening suggestions for March.
Next meeting will be Monday 9th Feb – Last time, Mark Smith from Adelaide Veggie Gardens talked on wicking beds + George’s gardening tips for January
Next meeting: Monday 9th November – Mark Smith from Adelaide Vegie Gardens will talk on wicking beds + George’s gardening tips for November
Next meeting: Monday 14th September – Richard Heathcote will give a light-hearted history of garden tools + George’s gardening tips for September
We are hoping to hold our AGM and quiz night on Monday August 10th + George’s Gardening Suggestions for August 2020.
George’s Gardening Suggestions for May 2020. Unfortunately, there will be no meetings until further notice
Prune French lavender to keep compact, plant sweet peas, and more of George’s Gardening Suggestions for March 2020.