Garden Club


Monday August 10th
We are hoping to hold our AGM and quiz night on Monday August 10th

Monday 14th September
We have again invited Richard Heathcote from Carrick Hill and the Garden History Society to talk on “The Blade”, a light-hearted history of garden tools.

President: Ray Wise: or 0405 273 003
Secretary: Shirley Callaghan: or 0403 801 916


  • Most plants, shrubs and trees will appreciate some fertilizer at this time of the year in readiness for the strong growth of Spring.

  • Soursobs can multiply rapidly because of the many ‘bulblets’ it produces each year. They drop away as you pull the mother plant out so instead of one plant you have many. Poisoning with glyphosate is a better option as it is translocated to the bulb and eventually the plant turns yellow and dies. The best time to spray is just before flowering when the plant has used most of its energy. Repeat applications will be necessary and again the following year. In difficult areas like between plants, you can use a brush dipped in poison and apply to the weeds.

  • Corn is a great Summer crop to grow and can be planted from now on after frosts have finished. Make regular sowings to ensure a continuing harvest. Corn should be planted in blocks, not long rows because it is best for wind pollination. Corn can be used as a windbreak to protect other vegetables. Keep them moving with ample waterings and liquid feeds to encourage tender plump cobs.

  • A lemon tree is a must for the home garden – if you have a spare sunny spot, this is a good time to plant one. This is the last month for planting out bare rooted roses and fruit trees.

  • Plant snapdragons, linarias,  stocks, cleome and dianthus.

  • Vegetables to plant this month include potatoes, carrots, parsnips, tomatoes and parsley.