Garden Club
Last meeting notes
Monday night 8th October - the annual Freebies night in which every attendee brings a gardening related gift, a draw is held and everyone can choose a gift from the table. The normal entry fee of $5 for non members and $4 for members was waived.
We had a short time of splitting up and discussing the recent survey forms which the committee had prepared and circulated for members to give feedback on every aspect of the Garden Club Programs and to invite suggestions regarding format, speakers and garden visits.
Getting to know each other better
From time to time, instead of bringing speakers from outside, we enjoy hearing from members of the club which is helpful in better getting to know each other. Shirley our secretary gave us a very insightful presentation of her work with Anglicare’s "Family in Focus". This programme runs various groups, or one to one counselling, to help individuals and couples with issues relating to family conflict and violence. The programme is found to be most effective for those who appeal for help early in their difficulties. Some people find fairly speedy resolution, whereas others may take longer. Where mutually identified support and assistance required, vulnerable people can be referred to alternative appropriate services, such as accommodation, government assistance and health.
Claire drew our attention to “Mindfulness through Gardening” a most helpful Powerpoint presentation, during which she shared with us her journey to better mindfulness. Surely all of us can relate to sometimes functioning on “auto pilot” and not being “in the moment”.
Claire shared two book titles which she had found helpful and also how gardening helps her practice “living in the moment”. The benefits for our mental health, our relationships and our general health were most obvious.
The Eden project in Cornwall
Pauline showed us a pictorial presentation of her recent visits to two beautiful English gardens: The Eden project in Cornwall, an educational charity exploring and supporting projects and learning programmes which show how to work towards a more sustainable future. It comprises outdoor gardens and Biomes housing plants from all over the world in a Rainforest Biome, and a Mediterranean Biome. The garden grows over 3,700 cultivars and plants and holds seasonal events and exhibitions throughout the year.
The Lost Gardens of Helligan, also in Cornwall, is Europe’s largest garden restoration project. Owned and run by the Tremayne family for over 400 years, the gardens fell into disrepair after the two world wars, but are now being restored to their former glory, sustaining a thriving, almost self-sufficient community. It is also used as an educational facility.
Donation to Guide Dogs S.A.
In conclusion Ralph Stephens, former President of the Garden Club, formally introduced us to his recently acquired, faithful, seeing Guide Dog, Tory, giving us an insight into amazing facts and traits, many of which we had not been aware, of these wonderful friends of the sight impaired. The Committee decided at a subsequent meeting to donate proceeds of our Christmas lunch to Guide Dogs S.A.
There was a shortened plant auction of plants donated by members, which was fun.
Regularly liquid feed potted plants and if they have dried out badly, submerse them in a bucket of water for an hour or two beforehand. Move the
more fragile ones to a shady area.
Protect fruit with nets.
Hand pollinate cucurbits to ensure a good crop.
Sweet Corn loves hot weather and water. You can continue to plant into rich soil.
Sow seeds of cineraria, stocks and poppies now, keep them damp and in the shade and they will be ready for a great winter show.
Seedlings of celosia, cosmos, sunflower and zinnia can be planted out with care