Friends of Scott Creek Conservation Park
There has been a fair bit happening in the nature conservation space recently. Back in March we had a state election and a new Liberal government was elected in. I suppose there is always a little trepidation when there is a change of government, as the saying goes, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t, and funding continuity is always of concern.
The new Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs MP, was strongly advocating for reform of natural resource management. It seems to have been some time since the environment has been a focus in an election, other than talk about water security in our driest state on the driest continent, climate change and carbon emissions, and green energy.
Time will, of course, tell, but the government has spoken of a key emphasis on soil quality, water management and pest plant and animal control. There will be landscape scale restoration programs, which are recognised as being important for sustaining high quality biodiversity.
The Natural Resources Management Act 2004 is to be replaced by a new Landscape South Australia Act, and the government is seeking input from the community regarding the reform process. We only have until 15th October to have our say, so I encourage you to do so.
You can go to the website to read the discussion paper, executive summary and frequently asked questions, and can provide feedback in the online discussion forum, by emailing or posting your comments in, or by attending one of the community forums being held (details on the website above).
Anyone wanting information about the group or park, or wanting to get involved in any of the Friends’ activities, can contact us on or visit our very informative website You can also now follow us on our Facebook page.
All working bees meet at the 9.00am at the Almanda Car Park on Dorset Vale Road (unless there is a MLR fire ban or very wet weather). To attend bird banding, contact the coordinator Don Reid on 83882123.
Programme of activities
Tue 2 Working bee
Sat, Sun 6, 7 Bird banding
Sun 14 Working bee
Sat, Sun 20, 21 Bird banding
Sat 27 Working bee
Elegant Parrot, a fairly rare visitor to the Park.
Climbing Sundew, an insectivorous plant.