What's Inside?
Peter Charles who lives on Hicks Hill Rd received the disconnection notice (below) giving just 60 days to find another ISP provider. PLEASE respond to this post if you have also received a similar notice. We need to find out how many ISP’s will be doing this. TPG owns Internode and Adam Internet.
In a recent workshop at the Hall, participants learned to make fabulous felted footwear. Remember to visit the Hall Facebook page and you will be kept updated on functions and other happenings at the Hall.
A Defensive Fire Training Course was recently held at the Cherry Gardens station on June 1&2 2019. Pictured is a training scenario on a venting gas bottle, which is under the control of qualified instructors. Carrying out training such as this helps keep us prepared for such events.
In July a few of our volunteers will be attending the Firebombing Load Supervisor & Airbase Manager training at Brukunga and then on November 3rd we will be doing our Region 1 Airbase Operator Skills Maintenance refresher training at the Cherry Gardens Air Strip.
Gardening suggestions for July 2019 + our May speaker was well-travelled, well known, great gardener, entertainer and The President of The Garden Clubs of Australia, Mr. George Hoad.
Yay, some rain at last. Hopefully there will be some more to follow. For some of you, feed will have been running low and becoming more expensive. Without the follow up rains, farmers will not be able to get their crops growing and that will impact on us further down the line this year.
For those of you who attend the local ANZAC Day service you may remember the story of Percy Scroop. a Major from the Australian Embassy in Baghdad contacted us after doing a google search looking for information about Percy. He is doing some research on Australian and New Zealand soldiers buried in the Baghdad North Gate War Cemetery and found the headstone for Percy Scroop.
I have noticed quite a number of dying Messmate Stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua) in the Mount Lofty Ranges, including in Scott Creek CP. There have also been a few deaths of quite old Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata), which is the only locally indigenous species of banksia we have in the Adelaide Hills. It is possible that other factors are also at play, in particular the root-rot disease Phytophthora cinnamomi (Pc).
Minton Farm volunteers have been busy rehabilitating several birds of prey, namely Boobook owl, barn owl and peregrine falcon. Some have come in, in advanced stages of disease, eye damage and wing injuries.
Cherry Church is now 170 years old; it has kept the Christian Faith in worship, service and teaching, and God willing it will continue this for at least another 170. The church comes under State heritage so its structure and the headstones in the grounds cannot be touched except with the approval of the Heritage Adviser of Onkaparinga City (Andrew Stevens).
Recently we had a “CLUBS DAY” on one of the home games for football and netball. All the clubs worked together to raise some funds for the Recreation Ground and to just share time together and enjoy all the sports.
Well we are halfway through the footy season already which is hard to believe. The senior teams have been going well but the juniors have been a mixed bag.
All teams have played five games or more so far this season. Results have been mixed, with half of our senior teams in the top 4 of their respective ladder. B1 gold team is top of their grade and C1 gold is second.
Natives Orchids of the Cherry Gardens District. There are over 100 species of native orchids which have been found in the Adelaide Hills and the Cherry Gardens area is rich in the number of varieties which have been discovered.
The Clarendon Branch of the Agricultural Bureau May 2019 meeting guest speaker was Jeff Edwards from the Department for the Environment and Water. Jeff explained the likely changes that were going to occur and the proposed changes to the agency which will be renamed Landscape SA.
Recently many people across the world stopped and stared as extreme headlines announced that one eighth of the world’s species – more than a million – are threatened with extinction. What solutions do we have? Despite this grim inventory, it’s not all bad news. Australia actually has a long history of effectively managing invasive species.
Update Council Boundary Changes
Fortnightly Green Bin Collection
Rate Increase
Speed Limit Change Ackland Hill/Ironbank Roads
+ Burning in the open
The 100 year Clarendon bridge celebration is on Sunday 21st July 2019, a day when the whole community is invited to come together to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the building of Clarendon second bridge. It will be a day of fun, food and entertainment for the whole family.
Telecommunications is a lottery across Mayo, and that needs to change. Our geography, climate and changing government policies have resulted in clear disparities between those areas with and those without reliable phone and internet services. My office has advocated on behalf of hundreds of constituents who have received poor service in this space.
An update on the earlier letter to the editor regarding the delivery of parcels to Cherry Gardens. The local resident received the below response to their enquiry along with an apology for the long time it took to send the reply.
As home deliveries are becoming more prevalent in our modern life, I'm finding that our postcode of 5157 is an issue. Just putting it out there to see what anyone's thoughts are of this and whether it’s worth pursuing a change.
House cleaner
Horse Groom
Shed Installer
Rainfall for June 2019: 140.4 mm
Rainfall for June 2018: 117.8 mm
Average rainfall for June: 132.2 mm