CFS News
By the time this is published it will be April, anyone else get the feeling this is going to be another short year?
Thanks to everyone who prepared their properties and put bushfire plans in place over summer – it all adds up to less risk from bushfires to us all. The countryside is still very dry so please remain vigilant around fire safety until the rains have set in later in the year.
Operationally, we have been relatively quiet in the last month which means things in our area have been running smoothly. We did supply members to assist with the Kangaroo Island fire last month as the island is in our region. It was a two day deployment and although crews worked some long hours, it had a successful outcome.
We have been involved in some successful fundraising efforts recently.
Of note is a very generous donation from the Cherry Chatter committee who donated funds to enable us to purchase an extra portable VHF hand held radio. It was identified some time ago we needed an extra radio for each of Cherry Gardens 34 & 34P to enhance crew safety by improving communications during an emergency (it is very much the case that to fight a fire, you have a hose in one hand and a radio in the other!) The brigade set about fundraising some time ago, but with the extra support from the Cherry Chatter it now means we have achieved our goal. There is now an extra hand held radio in each appliance – many thanks to the generosity of the Cherry Chatter committee and the community that supports this hard working group.
Work has begun on renovating the front of the station which will give it a more modern, smarter look. This project was given the green light some time ago, so it is good to see it now underway – it may even be completed by the time this is published!
Recruiting/open day
We also held a recruiting/open day last month, so hopefully many of you were able to come and see what we do. Potentially we are still looking to add to our membership, so if you have ever thought you might be able to help, come and see us any Monday night. As well as firefighters, there are also roles for radio operators in the communication facility at the station. Whatever the position, it is a lot of fun with a great group of people.
Perhaps we will see you soon!