Hall News


Thanks to those who attended the Community Campfire on August 25th.

The campfire ran from 5pm to 8pm (with a few late hangers-on!) and was again a great success.

Adrian produced two magnificent soups (Fire roasted tomato and basil and Creamy chicken and leek), and Terry, our resident pyromaniac, created a great campfire and made some Cheese and onion damper, and a Rosemary damper. The soups and the dampers complemented each other perfectly. We also had a sausage sizzle and red and white wine.

Toasting marshmallows was popular with the kids, and the CFS truck was a popular attraction. Thanks to our CFS for once again attending. The weather was kind to us, with just enough chill in the evening to make standing around the campfire a pleasant experience.

The Community Campfire will be a regular function at the hall each year, around the end of August or early September.

It is a great night, and an opportunity for the community to share some time together, so watch out for the promotion next year and we hope to see you there.


Cherry Gardens Memorial Hall for Hire

Available for hire for all functions, meetings & social occasions. Very reasonable rates. For bookings and more information phone 8270-2232