What's Inside?
If the new mobile phone base station does get installed then, for those of us that are unable to connect to the NBN we may have an alternative by using the mobile service plans. As news comes to hand the Cherry Chatter will keep you updated + Take a few minutes to prepare your Bushfire Plan.
Recently we wrote about our success in obtaining 3 grants from the Onkaparinga Council as part of their recent round. One of the grants was for the extension and upgrade of our storage facility at the rear of the hall.
This month has seen us busy again with various jobs around the community, most of which were minor in nature and straight forward to resolve. As we move toward the end of another year (how fast did that one go!), I thought it a good chance to look back and cover some of the achievements and challenges we faced in 2019.
After months of planning our local garden club celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Blackwood Golf Club on 28th October. The Community event was supported by an Every Generation grant from the City of Onkaparinga. 82 people attended with about half being club members + George's gardening suggestions for December.
I thought summer was here, but the weather has been so erratic. Those of us waiting to have hay cut start to get toey to say the least. Cutting hay at the right time and also baling are quite a science. The dryness of the hay and its maturity are crucial to a good quality result.
On a Sunday in the middle of October we held our fourth Almanda Open Day at the Almanda Mine area of the park. For the first time this was held in spring, to better show off the park’s beautiful wildflowers. Anyone wanting more information about the Friends of Scott Creek CP, or wanting to get involved, can contact us.
I have been rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing injured and orphaned native animals and birds at Minton Farm for 27 years now. There have been over 12,200 cases admitted to the intensive care facility. In addition to this there have been approx. 12,000 cases assisted via website, email, Facebook and phone inquiries. It has been a joy to be able to help the people that find the creatures and are desperately and compassionately trying to assist them.
Christmas is coming soon. A time when for many it is an end of the year holiday, well-earned after a year of hard work, a time with family and friends to eat together and enjoy each other’s company. A time for giving gifts and remarking on the excited fun and joy experienced by children and grand-children, nieces and nephews.
Our club, which is based at the Cherry Gardens Ironbank Recreation Ground, is affiliated with the Hills Tennis Association and has teams playing in Saturday junior and senior competitions, and also midweek night competitions + Quiz Night Saturday February the 22nd at 7:30pm
Welcome to our latest edition of Memo from Mayo. It's been a busy fortnight in Parliament and a busy month in the electorate with the spring show season in full swing. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy reading about some of my work in the Parliament and our community.
As Cherry Gardens was settled very early in the life of South Australia we thought it would be interesting to see what significant trees there might be in the district. The first one we can bring to your attention is actually a pair of very old Olive Trees.
With the warmer weather here, snakes are already out and about. Last summer was the worst we have had with snake bite cases and it appears that this year may also be a bad one + The first foals have arrived + Giveaways + A warning to all horse and pony owners: increase in the risk to horses and ponies of getting Laminitis and Founder.
I am trying to spread awareness of the opportunity that exists for our rural hills community to leave Onkaparinga and join Adelaide Hills: Lower rates, Better representation, Closer.
Councillor update on: Boundary Reform / Northern and Hills North District Reference Group / Southern Sports, Recreation and Surf Life Saving Clubs Forum, City of Onkaparinga / Hopgood Theatre Petition / Citizenship Ceremony.
Low-carb isn’t a new concept. In fact, it’s been around for so long that people might have forgotten about it. But in a world full of nutrition noise, few diets have undergone the type of rigorous testing and research which still hold true. With so many variations and options out there, the CSIRO is providing a science-based insight into the world of eating low-carb.
Rainfall for October 2019: 44.0 mm
Rainfall for October 2018: 62.2 mm
Average rainfall for October: 72.3 mm