What's Inside?
In Cherry Gardens we don’t think there has been a Remembrance Day service before but as it is the 100 year anniversary we thought it would be fitting to hold a service this year. It will be a brief service and we invite you the community to attend if you wish. If you are unable to make it then please try to remember to stop what you are doing at 11am and pause to reflect on the sacrifices of those who served during that terrible war.
Thank you for the opportunity of being able to introduce myself to the Cherry Chatter committee recently as part of my campaign seeking election as a councillor for the Thalassa ward of the City of Onkaparinga.
Coming up at the Hall: Bushfire Survival Plan Workshop on Saturday 17th November + Sunday Market on 2nd December
Gardening suggestions for November 2018 + Amanda Reynolds from Green Platypus Gardens was our Guest Speaker at the last meeting: you need to garden with forethought and to view the garden as an end result in 10 years' time.
You may recall last month that my paddock mate Ziggy had foundered. Four weeks down the track and he certainly isn’t worse. He has continued on a plain diet with restricted feeding. Unfortunately this means that he can’t go out and graze with his friends.
Over the last few months we have been busy with burn off related fire calls plus we have seen a concerning increase in the number of motor vehicle accidents.
A good news story with a happy ending. One thing that was learned is that any open wound on a Koala needs to be treated as it will very quickly get fly blown and this will likely result in blood poisoning and a slow painful death.
Does anyone reading our programme of activities wonder what bird banding is? The Friends of Scott Creek CP started its bird banding program in 1993, making it one of the longest running, continuous bird banding programs in the region. One or two weekends each month, a small group of us get together in the park at sunrise to set up five to seven mist nets.
Despite how many different types of native bees there are locally, few South Australians are familiar with what even one species of native bee looks like, and more importantly why and how they can and should actively encourage them.
Editor’s Note. This year we all have the opportunity to vote in the local council elections. Voting in voluntary and our local council is ONKAPARINGA COUNCIL. It is in our best interests for all of us to have the best representation both in a local Council Member and the Mayor.
The reported offences for Clarendon/Cherry Gardens areas for the period 30/8/18-10/10/18.
Nil reported offences for CHERRY GARDENS or IRONBANK.
We are very happy that the work has started on the upgrade to the playground area at the Recreation ground. At the moment there is a lot of earthworks going on (thanks to Moons Earthmoving and Concrete) including a new retaining wall that was needed to hold in the Softfall and new drainage and a lot of dirt removed in readiness for the new equipment that will be installed later in November. There are also new concrete paths.
On 17 March 2019, the Cherry Gardens Uniting Church will celebrate its 170th anniversary. This photo is of the chapel as it looked after construction and before the late 19th century additions.
Among my very earliest memories were our family visits to Grandma and Grandpa Stone’s house, which is now numbered 454 Cherry Gardens Road, Cherry Gardens. A point of great interest was to be shown into Grandpa’s room where he would do his writing, in particular to see him recording the rainfall readings.
Wanted - Hills League Netball Coach for IBCG season 2019 Do you know anyone who is passionate about coaching and wants to be involved with a successful club and group of players?
Rainfall for September 2018: 38.2
Rainfall for September 2017: 127.0
Average for September: 99.8