Cherry Church


‘O Lord, hear my prayer,
Listen to my cry for mercy;
In your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.’ 

Psalm 143:1

There are many times when it is difficult to discern what exactly is going on in our world.

Probably the most recent example for the Cherry Gardens community and our neighbouring communities is how to deal with the frightening reality of fire. Especially those fires which have been deliberately lit.

The ferocity of a major fire event is overwhelming and its impact, in physical, human and emotional terms, enormous.

Somehow, through the ash, the smoke and stench even these natural disasters have their positive side. In the case of the most recent fire it has been amazing to see – what we already knew – the commitment and skill of the CFS personnel, their care and compassion for others and their willingness to go the extra mile. There is nothing sufficient to praise these people and their actions; they are wonderful. Thank you all.

Moreover, the aftermath of the event has also highlighted the closeness of the Cherry Gardens community, the encouragement we can share and the care we feel for each other. In the case of the Cherry Church we received messages, emails and contacts from all over the world from those who had either worshipped with us or originally came from Cherry Gardens. 

At times such as these, we can know that we are cared for by a living God and that His son, Jesus, cared so much for us that he dared to die. God knows tragedy and disaster and provides loving comfort during times like this. We pray that you may also know the wonder of this comfort.

As a place of Christian worship, the Cherry Church and its lively congregation welcomes everyone to drop in. Sunday morning worship is held each week at 9.30 am, followed by a cup of tea. Please come and join us, we’d love to see you.

Cherry Church Contacts

• Chairperson: Rob Linn 0407971650
• Web site:
• Email:
• Facebook:

87 Hicks Hill Rd, Cherry Gardens

Services held on Sundays at 9.30am