Church News


After many, many weeks of closure for worship, Cherry Church is beginning its Sunday services on 12 July, at 9.30 am. It’s a welcome return to our worship in our community after the first break in over 170 years.

The life of the Church though, hasn’t ceased during the closure. We want to emphasise that we provide pastoral assistance and support for anyone who requires it.

We have also taken on board the sponsorship of a child through Compassion Australia.

“Compassion Australia” provides wonderful support for children in countries less fortunate than our own – particularly at the present time – and, through a sponsorship program, assists in that child’s development through provision of quality education and support. Our child, Ezra Mayemba, aged 9 years, lives in Tanzania with his mother. He hopes one day to become a farmer.

Even as we are exposed to a pandemic, the impact of which on our community and economy is unprecedented, it is heartening to think that God, as a loving Father, cares for his people everywhere. The Psalmist reminds us of this certainty, in Psalm 103:

As kind as a father is to his children,
So kind is the Lord to those who honour him.
He knows what we are made of;
He remembers that we are dust.
As for us, our life is like grass.
We grow and flourish like a wild flower;
Then the wind blows on it, and it is gone –
No one sees it again.
But for those who honour the Lord,
His love lasts forever.
And his good ness endures for all generations.

Cherry Church Contacts

• Rob Linn 0407 971 650
• Web site:
• Email:
• Facebook:

87 Hicks Hill Rd, Cherry Gardens

Services held on Sundays at 9.30am (currently suspended)