Hall News



The Hall recently held the AGM for the 2020 year. At the meeting committee members put themselves forward to serve for the next 12 months. The only exception was Belinda Angus, who has stepped down for family reasons. Belinda has been a great contributor to the committee and has indicated that she will still assist where possible. The committee consists of Adrian Mallin, Andrew Desteno, Bill Semple, Edie Brooks, Helen Whittle, John Duckmanton and Terry Whittle.

At the meeting following the AGM, the following people were nominated for, and accepted, these positions:

Chair: Bill Semple
Secretary: Helen Whittle
Treasurer: Bill Semple
Bookings: Terry Whittle

The committee would welcome any new members, please contact a committee member if you are interested.


We anticipate the extension to the storeroom to pick up pace over the coming weeks. Other improvements are also in the pipeline, we will keep you updated as these roll out.

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Cherry Gardens Memorial Hall for Hire

Available for hire for all functions, meetings & social occasions. Very reasonable rates.

For bookings and more information please phone 0414 824 110.