History Corner
The Ironbank & Upper Sturt Community Watch recently posted on Facebook that one of the locals, Betty Frith, has completed her book and it is now available for sale to any interested locals. The book is called "All the roads leading to Ironbank" and is a compilation of many short stories and recollections of Betty’s life in Ironbank.
Betty and family had a social afternoon on Sunday 26th May at the Ironbank Faith Community Church on Pole Road, where everyone who came along had a good talk, swapped stories and enjoyed each other's company.
The new book was available on the day for $15 and if any locals are interested they can contact Cherry Chatter by email at cherrychatter@yahoo.com and we will arrange to get copies for you.
If you prefer to contact the Community Watch group then you can do so from their facebook page
Betty checking out the new book.