Remembrance Day
For those that attended the Remembrance Day ceremony, thanks for taking a small amount of time from your day to reflect on the sacrifices of those who gave their lives in WW1. It is the first Remembrance Day service we have had here in Cherry Gardens and a good number of people came and shared it with us.
First Remembrance Day service in Cherry Gardens
11 November 2018
Happy New Year Cherry Chatter Readers
So welcome to 2019!
If you’re anything like me then I am sure you will be saying, “Wow, where did 2018 go?”
The Cherry Chatter committee hopes that 2018 had a lot of good times, and good things happen for you, and that the New Year brings renewal and an even better year ahead.
As I write this now, I wonder whether it is summer or winter. One week ago I spent the day at the Adelaide oval sweltering on what was close to a 40 degree day and yet for the last 2 days it has felt like winter and Christmas is only just over a week away.
Not that I am complaining about a good rain in December but really it could have been warmer. So with all this in mind I am going to remind everyone that summer will be hot, and SA will have bushfires and probably catastrophic fire days.
Recent Bushfire Survival Plan Workshop
The recent Bushfire Survival Plan Workshop day at the Hall was quite poorly attended so I guess that means that everyone who did not attend already has their plan in place and knows exactly what they are going to do.
Where will you go?
Which roads will you take?
When will you go?
What will you take with you?
What will you do with your pets and/or livestock?
If you decide to stay and defend or you are too late to leave, are you prepared?
Do you have a Bushfire Kit of everything you will need to protect yourself?
Do you have a battery powered radio?
Do you have a pump and water supply to defend against a fire?
Remember that there is NO Last Resort Refuge in our district.
If all of this makes you think more seriously about being prepared then please check out the CFS website as there is a lot of information there, or visit the local CFS and talk to them and get some advice. DO NOT BE COMPLACENT!
Now what are your New Year Resolutions?
How about volunteering for one of our many community organisations such as the CFS, Memorial Hall, The Cherry Chatter, The Friends of Scott Creek Conservation Park or one of the Sporting clubs. I know that all of them would welcome your support and a few hours of your time throughout the year – and it feels good too!