Minton Farm


Mindfulness. Hearing a bird call. Stopping to search and eventually finding him.

Greg Presto tells of mindfulness- “The car had stopped, and so had my mind. No grocery list, no to-do list, no admonishing myself for things undone - just a little yellow bird hanging from his nest, screaming his shrill call

Cultivating mindfulness, or noticing what is happening in the present moment, has all kinds of benefits: If you’re mindful while you’re eating, paying attention to the taste sensations of your food, you can feel more satisfied and even lower your blood sugar. Being more mindful can make you more productive at work and better at collaborating. If you practice being mindful, it can change your body’s actual response to stress, reducing how much of the stress hormone cortisol is released.

Meditating is the method by which most people tend to try and attain this body-and-mind-improving state. But counting breaths, closing your eyes and concentrating, and other meditations are difficult and sometimes unpleasant - for me and for others. While some people may argue that struggling with meditation is part of the point, it’s also discouraging, and can make a mindfulness practice frustrating. When something’s frustrating, you're less likely to set aside time to do it.”

So, get out there with the birds to improve your health?!

Cheers Bev.
455 Cherry Gardens Road, Cherry Gardens, SA, 5157
Phone 82701169

Bev. Langley

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