Hall News
Community Dinner
Details are:
Date: Saturday 15th June
Time: 6:15pm for 7:00pm
Bookings: Contact one of the Committee members, (Bill 0433 656 803 or Terry 0414824110) or through www.trybooking.com.au, “Cherry Gardens Community Dinner”.
Closing Date: Friday 31st May
Prices: Same as last year, $35 a head, or $20 for under14.
We will again have a 3-course meal, mulled wine on entry, entertainment and an opportunity to meet with other residents of Cherry Gardens. You will recall we had a full house last year, so make sure you book early, and please note the closing date for bookings
Hall Committee
The Hall Committee elected at the February AGM met recently and has started to plan an upgrade to the hall. We have also put in some applications for grants from the Onkaparinga Council to assist the upgrade and hope to get a positive response around mid-year.
New Committee - Rear: Bill Semple (Chair), Adrian Mallin, Terry Whittle (Bookings) Front: Belinda Angus, Helen Whittle (Secretary), Edie Brooks Absent: John Duckmanton, Andrew DestenoNew Committee - Rear: Bill Semple (Chair), Adrian Mallin, Terry Whittle (Bookings) Front: Belinda Angus, Helen Whittle (Secretary), Edie Brooks Absent: John Duckmanton, Andrew Desteno
I mentioned in the previous edition that two of our longstanding committee members had tendered their resignations, Veronica Jones and Eric Annett. Bill and Terry visited them to present a gift basket, and a letter and certificate in appreciation of their voluntary service to the hall over many years.
Terry presenting Veronica with her certificate.
Bill presenting Eric with his certificate.
Remember to visit the Hall Facebook page.
We will be acknowledging the Lions assistance, and you will keep updated on functions and other happenings at the Hall.