Church News
During 2017, Cherry Church was able to make the following donations to a variety of worthy organisations:
- Act for Peace (Christmas Bowl Appeal) $500
- Yorketown Uniting Church, following damage to their Church during a storm $100
- Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) $300. MAF operate a fleet of aircraft to provide support to isolated communities in Australia and overseas.
- Interserve Australia $200. This organisation delivers a number of aid projects in Asia and the Arab world.
- Second Chances $100 Provides support to children of offenders, to try to stop the generational cycle of offending.
- Queensland Floods Disaster Fund $200
- John Symons for work in East Africa, including Chad and Mbale in Kenya $600. In particular this enables John to pay for secondary education for a number of children in those countries where education is not subsidised by their governments.
- Support to local families in need $1,420
We are only a small group, some of whom are pensioners, but we hope to continue to do what we can to help.
Cherry Church Contacts
• Pastor: Margaret Seyfang Ph. 0404 008 372
• Chairperson Congregational Council: Darryl Dyson, 0412 075 063